AM_MODIM_ARROW_LINE modifies the parameters controlling the appearance
of existing dimension lines and arrows.
| |
| |
---->(AM_MODIM_ARROW_LINE)-----+---(:DIM_LIST)-------|select dim|-----+------>
| |
| | |
| +---(:SLASH_TYPE)-----+
| | |
| +---(:DOT_TYPE)-------+
| | |
| +---(:JIS_TYPE)-------+
| | |
| +---(:TRIANGLE_TYPE)--+
| | |
| +---(:NONE)-----------+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---(:SLASH_TYPE)-----+
| | |
| +---(:DOT_TYPE)-------+
| | |
| +---(:JIS_TYPE)-------+
| | |
| +---(:TRIANGLE_TYPE)--+
| | |
| +---(:NONE)-----------+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---("FILL_OFF")------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
| +---("ARROW_INSIDE")--+
| | |
| +---("ARROW_OUTSIDE")-+
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- :DIM_LIST specifies the dimension to modify. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of dimensions.
- :TYPE1 sets the new arrow type for the first dimension point that
was specified.
- :TYPE2 sets the new arrow type for the second dimension point that
was specified. When only one dimension point was required,
Annotation assigns the arrows automatically.
- :FILLING specifies either filled or outlined arrows.
- :SIZE_ABS sets a new absolute size for the arrows.
- :SIZE_REL sets a new size for the arrows relative to the
main dimension text size.
- :PLACEMENT modifies the positioning of the dimension arrows:
- "ARROW_AUTO" places arrows either inside or outside the extension
lines, depending on where the dimension text was placed.
- "ARROW_INSIDE" places the arrows inside the extension lines.
- "ARROW_OUTSIDE" places the arrows outside the extension lines.
- :COLOR_RGB changes the color of all dimensioning lines and arrows.
It automatically calls up the GET_RGB_COLOR_SA subaction.
Use this subaction to specify the new RGB or HSL color.
- :PEN_SIZE changes the pen size of the dimension and extension lines.
- :OFFSET_POINT changes the offset of the start of the extension lines
from the dimension points.
- :OFFSET_LINE changes the offset of the end of the extension lines from
the dimension line.
Use this action to change the settings of dimension lines,
extension lines, and dimension arrows of existing dimensioning.
GET_RGB_COLOR_SA subaction,
AM_DIM_SET_ARROW_LINE terminate action