AM_MOD_GEO_STRETCH stretches elements of manually-added geometry.
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---->(AM_MOD_GEO_STRETCH)---+---(:ELEMENTS)---|select geometry|-------+----->
| |
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| | |
| +---|pnt1|---|pnt2|---+
| |
| |
- :ELEMENTS selects the manually-added geometry to stretch. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of geometry elements.
- :TWO_PTS specifies that the selected geometry is to be stretched
the direction and distance defined by two points.
- :HORIZONTAL specifies that the selected geometry is to be stretched
horizontally by a given distance, or in the direction and horizontal
distance defined by two points.
- :VERTICAL specifies that the selected geometry is to be stretched
vertically by a given distance, or in the direction and vertical
distance defined by two points.
Use this action to stretch elements of non-view geometry,
which is selected by vertices. The stretch operation moves
the selected vertices, keeping the other vertices in their
original positions.
AM_MOD_GEO_MOVE terminate action,
AM_MOD_GEO_COPY terminate action