AM_GEO_C_LINE_2POS creates an infinite construction line by two points.
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| |
---->(AM_GEO_C_LINE_2POS)--(:GO :OK)--+(*)---(:OWNER)---|AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN|---(:GO :OK)----+---->
| |
| |
(*) necessary when the default owner is not set
- :GO :OK is necessary for setting the owner of the geometry.
- :OWNER specifies the owner of the geometry using the AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN subaction.
Simply specify two points defining a line.
Use this action to draw an infinite construction line by defining it
with two points.
AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN interrupt action,
AM_GEO_C_LINE_PNT_ANG terminate action,
AM_GEO_C_LINE_HORIZONTAL terminate action,
AM_GEO_C_LINE_VERTICAL terminate action