AM_GEO_C_CIRCLE_TAN_CENTER creates a construction circle tangent to a line, arc, or circle and with a given center point.
+--------------------------<------------------------+ | | | | ---->(AM_GEO_C_CIRCLE_TAN_CENTER)--(:GO :OK)--+(*)---(:OWNER)---|AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN|---(:GO :OK)---+----> | | | | +----|select element|----|center pnt|---------------+ (*) necessary when the default owner is not set
Specify the element to be tangent to and the center point of the new construction circle.
AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN interrupt action, AM_GEO_C_CIRCLE_TAN2_PNT terminate action, AM_GEO_C_CIRCLE_TAN3 terminate action, AM_GEO_C_CIRCLE_TAN_PNT_PNT terminate action