Fluent UI
- Fluent UI Introduction
- sd-fluentui-active-p
- sd-fluentui-set-combobox-selected-item
- sd-fluentui-get-combobox-selected-item
- sd-fluentui-set-edit-text
- sd-fluentui-get-edit-text
- Ribbon Bar
- Status Bar

- Description:
Predicate to determine whether or not UI is ribbon based.
- Return Value:
- t - UI of the current version is ribbon based.
- nil - UI of the current version is not ribbon based.

(sd-fluentui-set-combobox-selected-item availCmd
- Description:
Sets the selected item of an available command with a :range
property. All combobox controls which are connected with that command
will be updated accordingly.
- Parameters:
- availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- availCmd has to reference an existing available command. It
is specified via a list of "Application" "Group" "Command". Read more
about the definition of available commands here.
- selectedButtonId {STRING}
- Specifies the item to be selected in the range.
selectedButtonId has to reference an existing item of the
command's :range property.
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
'("SolidDesigner" "Select" "Preselection") "Part")

(sd-fluentui-get-combobox-selected-item availCmd)
- Description:
Gets the selected item of an available command with a :range
- Parameters:
- availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- availCmd has to reference an existing available command. It
is specified via a list of "Application" "Group" "Command". Read more
about the definition of available commands here.
- Return Value:
selected button id { STRING } - the button id of the selected
range entry
- Example:
(sd-fluentui-get-combobox-selected-item '("SolidDesigner" "Select" "Preselection"))
==> "Part"

(sd-fluentui-set-edit-text availCmd
- Description:
Sets the edit text property of an available command. All edit controls
which are connected with that command will be updated accordingly.
- Parameters:
- availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- availCmd has to reference an existing available command. It
is specified via a list of "Application" "Group" "Command". Read more
about the definition of available commands here.
- editText {STRING}
- Specifies the text to be displayed in connected edit
- Return Value:
- t - success
nil - failure
- Example:
'("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Set Active Part") "/p2")

(sd-fluentui-get-edit-text availCmd)
- Description:
Inquires the edit text property of an available command. This property
is updated when a user enters text in a connected edit control.
- Parameters:
- availCmd {List of three STRINGs}
- availCmd has to reference an existing available command. It
is specified via a list of "Application" "Group" "Command". Read more
about the definition of available commands here.
- Return Value:
Current edit text of the specified command.
- Example:
(setq text (sd-fluentui-get-edit-text
'("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Set Active Part")))
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