#| Example for User-Defined Attribute - Column Type Integer Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit. The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.

Load this file and switch to browser view named "UDA Integer Column". Open the tool box menu to start the dialog.

(oli:sd-defdialog 'add_uda_integer
  :dialog-title "Add User-def. Attr"
       :value-type :part
       :title "Part:"
       :value-type :integer
       :title "Integer:"
       :title "Add Attribute"
       :toggle-type :wide-toggle
       :push-action (add-uda a_part)
     (add-uda (part)
         :attachment :instance
         :values `( :integer-value ,add_integer)
       (g-browser::rebuild-browser-tree "parcel-gbrowser")

  :attribute "INTEGER-COLUMN"
  :value-list-key :integer-value
  :title "Integer Column"
  :mapping '( (0 "None") )
  :attachment :instance

  :title "UDA Integer Column"
  :tree-config '( :instance-name "[ " :uda-integer-column " ]")
  :detail-config '( :uda-integer-column )