SHA_FOLD_UNFOLD performs a fold or unfold of a bend on a 3D sheet metal part.
+------------<-------------<---------------+ | | -->(SHA_FOLD_UNFOLD)--+-----(:BEND-FACE)-----|face|--------------+ | | +-----(:BASE-FACE)-----|face|--------------+ | | +-*1*-(:ON_LINE)------+--(:ON)---+---------+ | | | | | +--(:OFF)--+ | | | +-*1*-(:SINGLE)-------+--(:ON)---+---------+ | | | | | +--(:OFF)--+ | | | +-*2*-(:BEND-PROCESS)--|process name|------+ | | +-*2*-(:RADIUS)--------|confirmed radius|--+ | | +-*2*-(:BEND-ANGLE)----|confirmed angle|---+ | | +-*2*-(:REVERSE)---------------------------+ | | +-----(:TWEAK-CHECK)--+--(:ON)---+---------+ | | | | | +--(:OFF)--+ | | | +-----(:PREVIEW)---------------------------+ | | +-----(:NEXT)--------------------*3*-------+*1*: Only active if option is possible
- Specifies a bend face to be folded or unfolded.
- Specifies a face which keeps its position. Must be
connected to a bend face.
- if more bends are geometrically the same, they can
be combined to one bend using this option.
- if the bends consist of more independent bend, this options
allows to only process the clicked bend.
- specifies the bend process to use (for unfolded bends).
- specifies the bend radius (for unfolded bends).
-specifies the bend angle (for unfolded bends).
- reverses the bend direction (for unfolded bends).
- specifies whether or not to check the sheet metal part.
- Triggers preview of the action.
- Triggers performance of the action and resets BEND and ANCHOR
of the dialog.