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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SHA_UNFOLD terminate action

SHA_UNFOLD creates the 2D drawing of a flattened (unfolded) sheet metal part.


                 |                                                        |
                 |                                                        |
                 +--(:FLAT_ORIGIN)-----|confirmed pt 3d|------------------+
                 |                                                        |
                 |                                                        |
                 |                     |          |                       |
                 |                     +--(:ON)---+                       |
                 |                                                        |
                 |                     |          |                       |
                 |                     +--(:ON)---+                       |
                 |                                                        |
                 |                     |                               |  |
                 |                     +--(:ON)------------------------+  |
                 |                     |                               |  |
                 |                     +--(:OVERWRITE)---|filename|----+  |
                 |                     |                               |  |
                 |                     +--|filename|--+----------------+  |
                 |                                    |                |  |
                 |                                    +--(:OVERWRITE)--+  |
                 |                                                        |
                                       |                               |
                                       |                               |
                                       |                               |
                                                      |                |


The following options are available to create the 2D drawing for an unfolded sheet metal part:

When to use

Use this action to create the 2D drawing of an unfolded (flattened) sheet metal part.


See also

SHA_COST_EST terminate action
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