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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

PA_UNSHARE terminate action

PA_UNSHARE unshares a part or assembly, making it independent of any existing parts or assemblies.


   v     +--------------------------<----------------------------+
   |     |                                                       |
   +-->--+--(:SOURCE)--|select source part or assembly|----------+-->
         |                                                       |
         +--(:ONELEVEL)--|onelevel or deep copy (:ON/:OFF)|------+


When to use

Use this action to unshare shared parts and assemblies.

While parts are shared they will always have identical geometry. After they are unshared, they may be modified independently.


The following parameter sequence unshares part "/GASKET" but keeps all child parts below "/GASKET" as shared parts.


All part and assembly names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

See also

UNSHARE_WORKPLANE terminate action
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