AM_SKETCH_MOVE moves an existing sketch.
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---->(AM_SKETCH_MOVE)------+---(:SKETCH)----|select sketch|------------+---->
| |
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+---(:SHEET)----|select sheet|--------------+
| |
| |
| |
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+---(:DYNAMIC)---------|new position|-------+
| |
| |
| | | |
| +----|offset|----+ |
| |
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- :SKETCH specifies the sketch to be moved
- :SHEET specifies the target sheet to move the sketch to.
- :TWO_PTS determines the move direction and distance for the sketch by specifying
two points on the sheet.
- :DYNAMIC specifies the new position for the sketch by its point.
- :HORIZONTAL determines the horizontal move direction and distance for the sketch
by specifying two points on the sheet, or by entering a horizontal offset.
- :VERTICAL determines the vertical move direction and distance for the sketch by
specifying two points on the sheet, or by entering a vertical offset.
Use this action to move a sketch on the same sheet or to
another sheet.