AM_MAN_HATCH creates manual hatching on a drawing.
| |
| |
---->(AM_MAN_HATCH)--(:GO :OK)--+(*)---(:OWNER)---|AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN|---(:GO :OK)---+----->
| |
| |
| +--------<---------+ +--------<---------+ |
| | | | | |
+---+---|outer pnts|---+----+---|inner pnts|---+----+
| |
| |
- :GO :OK is necessary for setting the owner of the hatching.
- :OWNER specifies the owner of the hatching using the AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN subaction.
- :BACK undoes the previously specified hatch boundary point.
First specify the points defining the outer boundary of the hatching,
then define the inner boundary.
Use this action to create hatching on a drawing. Occasionally, automatic
hatching can fail on section views; in this case manual hatching can be
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_PATTERN terminate action,
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_ANGLE terminate action,
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_DISTANCE terminate action,
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_COLOR terminate action,
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_LINETYPE terminate action,
AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_REF_POINT terminate action