
Fluent UI

Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit. The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.

(in-package :examples)
(use-package :oli)

;; ----- Example Tab ----------------------------------------------------------
;; create a new ribbon tab

(oli::sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-tab "EXAMPLETAB"
  :application "All"
  :title "Example Tab"

;; ----- Example Group 1 ------------------------------------------------------
;; create a ribbon group in the ribbon tab

(oli::sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group "EXAMPLEGROUP1"
  :parent "EXAMPLETAB"
  :title "Example Group1"

;; add ribbon buttons to the ribbon group

;; large button
  :largeImage t
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Part")

;; small button
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Copy Part/Assy")

;; overwrite label defined in available command
  :label "Share"
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Share Part/Assy")

;; separator

;; ribbon button menu
  :image "All/Miscellaneous/more_cmds"
  :label "Menu Button"
     (:label "Assembly"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Assembly"))
     (:label "Container"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Container"))

;; same button like before, defined as split button
;; -> shown icon is taken from last called command
  :splitButton t
  :largeImage t
  :label "Split Button Large"
     (:label "Assembly"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Assembly"))
     (:label "Container"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Container"))

  :splitButton t
  :label "Split Button Small"
     (:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Sel Unshare"))
     (:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Sel Reshare"))

;; contents of menu
  :image "All/Miscellaneous/more_cmds"
  :label "Menu Contents"
     (:label "Title")
     (:label "Owner"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Modify Part/Assy Owner"))
     (:label "Rename"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Rename Part/Assy"))
     (:separator t)
     (:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Modify 3D" "Scale"))

     (:label "Cascading Menu")

     (:label "WP"
      :image "SolidDesigner/Workplane/wp_new"
        (:availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Workplane" "Copy WP"))
        (:label "Sub Title")
        (:label "Share"
         :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Workplane" "Share WP"))

;; ----- Example Group 2 ------------------------------------------------------

(oli::sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group "EXAMPLEGROUP2"
  :parent "EXAMPLETAB"
  :title "Example Group2"

;; create ribbon button with menu
  :label "Modify Menu"
     (:label "Initial Title")
     (:label "Initial Command"
      :availCmd ("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Modify Part/Assy Owner"))

;; add separator in the existing ribbon button menu
  :label "Added Separator"

;; add a ribbon button in the existing ribbon button menu
  :label "Added Button Rename"
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Rename Part/Assy")


  :label "Added Button Position"
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "Position Dynamic")

;; ----- Example Group 3 ------------------------------------------------------

;; create a ribbon group in the ribbon tab which has a dialog box launcher to
;; show settings ui
(oli::sd-fluentui-add-ribbon-group "EXAMPLEGROUP3"
  :parent "EXAMPLETAB"
  :title "Example Group3"
  :launchButtonAvailCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Settings" "3D Object Settings")

;; large icon, no text
  :largeImage t
  :label ""
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Part")

;; small icon, no text
  :label ""
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Assembly")
  :label ""
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Part and Assy" "New Container")
  :label ""
  :availCmd '("SolidDesigner" "Workplane" "New WP")
