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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

MEASURE_AXIS_3D_SA subaction

MEASURE_AXIS_3D_SA provides methods for defining an axis. An axis consists of a 3D point and a 3D direction vector.


    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:TWO_PTA)--|point_3D|--|point_3D|----------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:X)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:Y)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:Z)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    ^    +--(:NEG_X)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_Y)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_Z)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:U)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:V)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:W)----------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_U)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_V)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_W)------------------------------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:HORIZ)------+-------|v-coord|-------------------->---------+
    |    |                |                                              |
    ^    +--(:NEG_HORIZ)--+                                              |
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:VERT)------+-------|u-coord|--------------------->---------+
    |    |               |                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_VERT)--+                                               |
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:FACE_NORMAL)--|pt on face|----------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:NEG_FACE_NORMAL)--|pt on face|------------------->---------+
    |    |                                                               |
    |    +--(:EDGE_TANGENT)--|pt on edge|-------------+--+----->------+--+
    |    |                                            |  |            |
    |    +--(:SURFACE_AXIS)--|cyl, cone, torus|--->---+  +-(:ACCEPT)--+
    |    |                                               |            |
    |    |                                               +-(:REVERSE)-+
    |    +--(:REF_WP)--|wp|--+
    |                        |


The following options are available to measure a 3D axis.

When to use

This subaction is used to measure a 3D axis.

All values are displayed in the Axis Output field.

See also

MEASURE_AXIS_3D interrupt action MEASURE_ANGLE_SA subaction MEASURE_VEC_3D_SA subaction MEASURE_DIR_3D_SA subaction MEASURE_DIST_SA subaction
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