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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

CROSS_SECTION terminate action

CROSS_SECTION takes a part and one or more workplanes, for each workplane it does a cross-section through the part and projects the resulting profile to the workplane used for the cross-section.


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                     |                      /->-(:SAME)-------------->-\   |
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The following options are available to do a cross section
Option Description
:PART specifies the part through which the cross-section is taken.
:WP specifies the workplane(s) to use for cross sectioning.
:RESOLVER_MODE defines how to resolve resolution conflicts, if there is more than one possibility
Keyword Action
:SAME Possible only if the part and the workplane(s) have the same resolution. In such a case, this is the default and only possible value.
:SWITCH_RESOLUTION In case of an empty workplane or empty workplanes, the resolution of this workplane is changed to match the resolution of the part. This is the default in such a case.
:RE_INTERSECT This mode can be used in two situations :
  • In case of an empty workplane or empty workplanes in order to avoid changing the resolution of the workplane(s).
  • In case of resolution mismatch (i.e. the workplane is more accurate than the part and the workplane or workplanes are not empty) This is the default and only possible value in case of resolution mismatch.
If you have a part of a low accuracy (e.g. 1E-3) and you are doing a cross section with a workplane with a better accuracy the system creates first a profile with the accuracy of the part and then tries to resolve the resolution conflicts by re-intersecting the resulting edges.
Caveat: You may end up with an open contour on the workplane if the re-intersection step cannot find new vertex positions by intersection. e.g. you have a circle almost touching a line tangentially missing it by 1E-3, which is valid for a part of this resolution. Within a workplane of 1E-6 accuracy, there is no intersection point, and therefore the resulting contour will be an open one.

When to use

Use this action to do a cross-section of a part with one or more workplanes.


The following parameter sequence projects the cross section through part 1 onto workplane 1:

CROSS_SECTION :PART "part1" :WP "wp1"

See also

SELECT subaction
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