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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

CHANGE_WP_OWNER terminate action

CHANGE_WP_OWNER changes the owner of a specified workplane.


                        |                                   |
---->(CHANGE_WP_OWNER)--+--(:NEW_OWNER)--|wpset or root|----+----->
                        |                                   |


The following options are available to change the owner of a workplane.

When to use

Use this action to change the owner of a specified workplane.


The following parameter sequence moves a workplane from one workplane set to another.

CHANGE_WP_OWNER :NEW_OWNER [specify a workplane set] :WORKPLANES [specify a workplane].

To continue moving workplanes, enter use the NEW_OWNER and WORKPLANES options to specify the workplanes to be moved, and their new owners.

To complete the operation, enter OK.

All workplane names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

See also

CURRENT_WP terminate action CREATE_WORKPLANE terminate action CREATE_WPSET terminate action
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