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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

CAP_3D terminate action

CAP_3D creates a smooth freeform end ("cap") on an existing part.


    |                                                                  |
    +--(:CAP-PART)--|specify part|-------------------------------------+--->
    |                                                                  |
    |                                     |          |                 |
    |                |          |                                      |
    |                +--(:OFF)--+                                      |
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    +--(:TANGENTS)--+--(:TO_FACES)--+                               +--+
    |               |               |                               |  |
    |               |    +----------+                               |  |
    |               |    |                                          |  |
    |               |    +--(:TAN-SMOOTH-ANGLE)--|angle|----+-------+  |
    |               |    |                                  |       |  |
    |               |    +--(:TAN-SMOOTH-WEIGHT)--|weight|--+       |  |
    |               |    |                                  |       |  |
    |               |    +--(:TAN-SMOOTH-ADJACENT)-+-(:ON)--+       |  |
    |               |                              |        |       |  |
    |               |                              +-(:OFF)-+       |  |
    |               |                                               |  |
    |               |           +----------------<---------------+  |  |
    |               |           |                                |  |  |
    |               |           +--(:TAN-USER-ALL)---------------+  |  |
    |               |           |                                |  |  |
    |               +--(:USER)--+--(:TAN-USER-DIR)--|direction|--+--+  |
    |               |           |                                |  |  |
    |               |           +--(:TAN-USER-WEIGHT)--|weight|--+  |  |
    |               |           |                                |  |  |
    |               |           +--(:TAN-USER-SINGLE)--|vertex|--+  |  |
    |               |                                               |  |
    |               +--(:NONE)--------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |                  |          |                                    |
    |                  +--(:OFF)--+                                    |
    |                                                                  |
                       |          |


The following options are available:

When to use

Use this action to create a cap on an existing part.


The following example caps a part named knob2. A vertical cap tangent is used.

CAP_3D :CAP-PART "/knob2" :EDGES :start (GPNTWC 23.530206 57.732984 3.350769 "vport1") :SELECT_DONE :CAP-POINT (GPNTWC 31.687509 87.433934 3.350769 "vport1") :CAP-TAN-DIR :v

All part names must be enclosed in double quotes (" ").

See also

SKIN terminate action CREATE_FACE terminate action UNTRIM-DIALOG terminate action GATHER_FACES terminate action FLIP_FACES terminate action REINTERSECT_FACES terminate action SURFACE_MODIFICATION terminate action
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