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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

TRIM terminate action

TRIM splits elements and deletes overshooting ends of geometry, where they intersect with other elements, or at a specified position, in one operation.


  v  +--------<------------------------------------------------<---------+
  |  |                                                                   |
  +--+--(:ONE_ELEMENT)--|element|----------+                             |
     |                                     |                             |
     |           +------------<------------+                             ^
     |           |                                                       |
     |           v           +--------------------<-----------------+    |
     |           |           |                                      |    |
     |           +-----------+--(:AT_ELEMENT)--|element|------>-----+----+-->
     |                       |                                      |    |
     |                       +--(:AT_POS)----|point|-------->-------+    ^
     |                                                                   |
     |                   +---------------------<-----------------------+ |
     |                   |                                             | |
     +--(:TWO_ELEMENTS)--+--|1st element at pos|-|2nd element at pos|--+-+
     |                                                                   |
     |            +------------------------<---------------------------+ |
     |            |                                                    | |
     +--(:MIDDLE)-+-|middle section of element to be trimmed|--->--+   | |
     |                                                             |   | |
     |             +--|1st element to trim with|---------<---------+   | |
     |             |                                                   | |
     |             +--|2nd element to trim with|------------>----------+-+
     |                                                                   |
     |              +-----------------------<------------------+         |
     |              |                                          |         |
     +--(:CONTOUR)--+--|elements for contour trimming|---------+---->----+


The following options are available to trim elements.

When to use

Use this action to align or delete specified geometry at intersections with other specified elements. This is achieved through either the trimming of extending of one or other of the specified elements.

The trimming operation uses the element selection mechanisms, to specify which end or part of the selected element is kept, and which is modified.


The following parameter sequence deletes the middle section of a horizontal line, which is intersected by 2 vertical lines.

TRIM :MIDDLE [specify middle section of horizontal line] [specify 1st vertical line] [specify 2nd vertical line]

See also

SPLIT terminate action MERGE_2D terminate action DELETE_2D terminate action
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