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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

BSPLINE_INT terminate action

BSPLINE_INT specifies a B-spline using a sequence of interpolation points, through which the curve will pass.


                         v                               |
----->(BSPLINE_INT)------+--->|data position|--------->--+---->
                         |                               |
                         |                               |
                         |                               |
                         |                |           |  |
                         |                +--|pos|----+  |
                         |                               |
                         |                               |
                         +--->(:APPEND)--|open element|--+
                         |                               |
                         |                               |


The following options are available to create your B-spline.

The curve can be noncyclic or cyclic (having ends which meet smoothly). Tangent angle conditions may be specified at any interpolation point.

At each point you define, the "rubber band" facility displays the B-spline curve you are creating.

No two directly subsequent interpolation points may be coincident.

When to use

Use this action to create a B-spline anywhere in your active workplane.

When using this creation technique, OneSpace Designer automatically adds a series of interpolation points to the curve, as if you had defined them. You have no control over how many points are added, or where they are positioned. But, there is no difference between these points and user created interpolation points.

It is dangerous to try to represent straight lines, rectangles, and/or circles (analytics), using B-spline interpolation points. OneSpace Designer will accept your points, and complete the operation. However, a body check performed at a later stage will report the body as corrupt.


Enter BSPLINE_INT, and specify the interpolation points to define the B-spline.

BSPLINE_INT 100,100 100,73 75,73 35,27 COMPLETE

The B-spline is created.

See also

ARC terminate action CIRCLE terminate action BSPLINE_CON terminate action BSPLINE_DELETE_INTERPOLATION_POINT terminate action BSPLINE_INSERT_INTERPOLATION_POINT terminate action BSPLINE_MOVE_INTERPOLATION_POINT terminate action BSPLINE_MOVE_CURVE_POINT terminate action
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