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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_HEATFLOW_VERTEX terminate action

DA_HEATFLOW_VERTEX applies a heatflow to a vertex on a part.


+---+--+--(:STUDY)--------|SELECT S_FERRUM_STUDY|-----------+-->
    |  |                                                    |
    |  +--(:NAME)---------|string|--------------------------+
    |  |                                                    |
    |  +--(:REF-ELEM)-----|vertex|--------------------------+
    ^  |                                                    |
    |  +--(:VALUE)--------|heatflow|------------------------+
    |  |                                                    |
    |  +--(:NEXT)-------------------------------------------+
    |                                                       |


The following options are available to configure and perform a finite element analysis of a part.

When to use

Use this action when applying a heatflow on a part with Design Integrity.
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