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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_SYMBOL_DATUMT terminate action

AM_CREATE_SYMBOL_DATUMT creates datum target symbols.


                                            |                                               |
                                            |                                               |
----->(AM_CREATE_SYMBOL_DATUMT)--(:GO :OK)--+(*)-(:OWNER)--|AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN|--(:GO :OK)---+---->
                                            |                                               |
                                            |                                               |
                                            |                                               |
                                            |                  |           |                |
                                            |                  +---(:OFF)--+                |
                                            |                                               |

                             (*) necessary when the default owner is not set
                             (**) only available when :OWNER is a view or a sketch


When to use

Use this action to create a datum target symbol on a drawing.

See also

AM_GEO_SET_DOMAIN interrupt action, AM_CREATE_REFLINE_IR interrupt action
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