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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_DIM_SYMLONG terminate action

AM_CREATE_DIM_SYMLONG creates a symmetric version of datum long dimensioning.


                              |                                                                         |
                              |                                                                         |
                              v   ^             |                                         |         |   |
                              |   |             |                                         +----<----+   |
                         +<---+-<-+---<+        |                                                       |
                         |             |        |                                                       |
                         +-----{1}---->+        |                    +------------<-----------+         |
                         |             |        |                    |                        |         |
                         +-----{2}---->+        +---(:OFF)---|pnt|---+---|pnt|---|position|---+---------+
                         |             |
                         |             |
                         |             |


This command takes the following general dimensioning options:

{1} Directional options
{2} "Fix" options
{3} "Fix" Table options
{4} Tolerance options
{5} Tolerance Table options

See Dimensioning Options for logics and descriptions of these options.

When to use

Use this action to add symmetric datum dimensioning with long base lines.

See also

Dimensioning Options, AM_CREATE_DIM_SYMSIN terminate action
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