適用於 Creo View Adapter for PDF 的 Adobe Experience Manager > Customizing Windows Firewall to Accept Incoming Connections to the AEM
Customizing Windows Firewall to Accept Incoming Connections to the AEM
By default your operating system firewall might block access to the ports 8080 and 8443 which are used to access your AEM server. To customize the firewall to accept the incoming connections, perform the following procedure.
1. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall, and select Advanced settings. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security page opens.
2. On the left, click Inbound Rules. The Inbound Rules list opens.
3. On the right, click New Rule. The Rule Type page opens.
4. Select Port, and click Next. The Protocols and Ports page opens.
5. Ensure that TCP and Specific local ports: are checked, and in the Specific local ports: field type 8080,8443 and then click Next. The Action page opens.
6. Ensure that Allow the connection is checked, and click Next. The Profile page opens.
7. Specify when to apply the rule and click Next. The Name page opens.
8. Name the rule and click Finish.
You have customized the firewall. Continue to the next topic to enable the production license or non-expiring license.