Setting Options on the PDF Output Setup Subtab
Define the file properties to configure the generation of PDF drawing viewables for the Creo View Adapter for Parametric.
Before you begin to define the settings on the PDF Output Setup subtab, on the Advanced > Miscellaneous tab, set Drawing Output to PDF.
Recipe Setting Name
Output Options
Font Control
TrueType Fonts—Common outline font often used in PDFs
Stroked, searchable text
Stroked, no searchable text
Stroked Non True Type Font, searchable text
Stroked Non True Type Font, no searchable text
For Stroked Non True Type Font, searchable text and Stroked Non True Type Font, no searchable text, set the following Creo Parametric configuration option to Yes for optimal output results: intf2d_out_pdf_stroke_non_ttf
Color Control
Use Colors—Color PDF output
Grayscale—Shades of gray
Monochrome—Black and white
Line Style
Select Use pentable to selectively alter the printed appearance of elements, determine the order in which elements are printed, and control text string substitutions. If cleared, the output will use the PDF default line style.
Hidden Lines As
Dashed Lines
Solid Lines
Select a cap style for line ends:
Butt (default)
Projecting Square
Select a line end style:
Miter (default)
Resolution (dpi)—Resolution of shaded views
The default is 300 dpi.
The recommended resolution range for Creo Parametric is 100 to 600 dpi.
Leave the Active Hyperlinks check box selected to export notes as active URLs in the PDF output.
Layer Control
All—Export all layers
Visible Only—Export only the visible layers of the drawing
None—Export the visible entities on the drawing, but not the layers on which they are placed
Parameter Control
All—Export all parameters
Designated—Include only the specified model parameters in the export
None—Export the drawing to the PDF format without the model parameters.
The default for all four bookmark options is selected.
Zones—Makes the PDF zoom in to the corresponding predefined region on the drawing sheet
Sheets—Displays the corresponding drawing sheet. Single-sheet drawings are ignored.
Views—Makes the PDF zoom in to the corresponding extents of the view, which is a predefined region on the drawing. No view bookmark is generated for a drawing with only two-dimensional entities.
Flag Notes—Lists the instances of any flag notes in the bookmark. If the instances of the flag notes are on a sheet other than the current sheet, the corresponding drawing sheet with the instances of the flag notes are displayed. The PDF zooms in to a flag note once it is selected.
Compatibility Save As
Select the export format:
PDF (default)
If you choose to publish in PDF/A–1 format and enable mark ups to the content, the output file from AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) is no longer compliant with PDF/A–1.