Interactive Publishing with ugpublish
This chapter describes how to use ugpublish in an active session of NX. ugpublish is a script that is run to create an environment in which NX CAD data can be interactively published.
The advantage of using ugpublish over ugbatch is that ugpublish opens NX, where you can see the part as well as modify its attributes prior to publishing. This enables you to obtain precise results for publishing CAD data.
ugpublish Overview
NX CAD data is converted to the Creo View format using a method called publishing. During a fully interactive user session with NX, the user selects an option that allows the conversion of the current CAD data.
Using ugpublish
The ugpublish script is created when you use the ug2pv_config program described in the last chapter. This file is located in the selected <setup_directory>.
To run ugpublish from the command line, type:
This opens a session of NX publish. The Publish to Creo View option is available in the main NX File menu.
On Windows, you can also double-click the ugpublish.bat file located in the <setup_directory>.
For quick access to interactive publishing, create a shortcut by right-clicking the ugpublish.bat file and selecting Send to > Desktop (Create Shortcut).
Once started, the publishing menu is always available; however, the Publish option only operates when the current file is a supported CAD data type.
To run and test ugpublish, follow these steps:
1. Open a command prompt and run ugpublish. A session of NX starts.
2. Open the CAD data to interactively publish.
3. With the CAD data in view, select File > Publish to Creo View. The following submenus are displayed:
a. Recipe File
Selecting this option opens a dialog box, where you specify the name of the recipe file for the adapter to use while converting the CAD data. If you do not use this option, the adapter uses the configuration recipe file. See section Introduction to Recipe Editing for Converting CAD Data for more information.
b. Output Path
Enter the path to the directory to place the converted files once they are published. If you entered a default path in the recipe file, you do not need this option.
c. Publish
Select this option to initiate publishing.
4. Once you have published the current CAD data, you can open the output in the Creo View client. The Creo View client displays the selected CAD data.
You have now published data interactively using ugpublish.