Publishing Creo Parametric Cabling Information
You can publish Creo Parametric Cabling metadata as a separate child part in the assembly. The cable child part can be converted standalone or in the assembly.
To enable the publishing of cabling parts, select the CableParameters attribute on the Parameters > Component tab in the Recipe Editor.
To convert cable represented as solid geometry, select Thick Cables on the Parameters > Miscellaneous tab in the Recipe Editor or open the recipe file in text editor and add the following line: adapter/convCables=1.
To convert cable as datum curves, set the following recipe options:
Do not select Thick Cables or add the following line in text editor: adapter/convCables=0.
Select Datum Curves on the Basic tab.
Set the Cable conversion assembly recipe option in text editor as follows:
adapter/harnessFeatList=999 —Considers cables as assembly features and converts them in the context of the assembly.
adapter/harnessFeatList= (empty)—Considers cables as independent regular parts. (Default)