Comparing Parts
You can use the Compare tool to compare the 3D geometry of nodes in the model, such as two versions of the same part or two similar parts. The Compare tool can identify the following differences:
Center of gravity
Surface area
The Compare tool displays difference by showing common, added, and removed volumes in the graphics area and as a list in the Geometry Compare results pane of the lower data panel.
The text of each item in the structure tree has the same color as its headings in the dialog box and the results file.
Check the status of the comparison and the measurements or coordinates in the Geometry Compare results pane. The status is Modified or Identical.
You can modify the display in the graphics area to examine and emphasize the differences between the two items.
You can save the settings and results of the comparison as a report in the Geometry Compare pane of the primary navigation pane. You can open the resultant display in a new view to add markups and save the annotated image as an annotation set without the comparison data.
To Compare Two Parts and Save the Results
1. Select Tools > Compare. The Compare Settings dialog box opens.
2. Select First Item and select a node from the structure tree or the view.
3. Select Second Item and select another node from the structure tree or the view.
4. Select if you wish to switch between the two items.
5. In order to compare the selected items when they are aligned according to their coordinate systems, select Align default CSYS.
If you want to compare centers of gravity, make sure this check box is not selected.
6. Select Compare. The results appear in a list in the Geometry Compare results pane in the lower data panel, and are displayed in the graphics area.
7. Select Close to close the Compare Settings dialog box.
8. To reopen the Compare Settings dialog box later, select Geometry Compare > Compare Settings.
9. Select Save Report to save the comparison results. The Save Compare Report dialog box opens.
10. Type a name in the Report Name box and click OK. The comparison settings and results are stored as an annotation set in the Compare pane of the primary navigation panel.
You can modify the graphic display and then save it.
To Modify the Display of Volumes in a Comparison
The following tools are available on the Geometry Compare tab of the ribbon.
To show or hide the noncompared parts in the view, click one of these options:
Isolate Compared Parts
Unhide All
You can also right-click in the graphics area and choose an option.
To dim the appearance of the shown noncompared parts, click Emphasize Mode.
To toggle the visibility of each of the resultant volumes in the Compare view, click the button for that volume in the Compare Display group.
First Item—First compared part.
Second Item—Second compared part.
Common—The shared volumes of the two parts.
Added—The additional volume only in modified part.
Removed—The removed volume only in the baseline part.
To modify the appearance of each of the resultant volumes in the Compare view, follow these steps:
a. Click the arrow on the volume display button. The display menu opens.
b. Click Appearance > Opaque or Appearance > Transparent. The volume’s appearance changes.
To change the display color of each volume:
1. Click the arrow on the volume display button to open its display menu.
2. Choose Color. The Choose Color dialog box opens.
3. Set a color, and then click OK.
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