Publishing Files Using the Command Line
This is the basic syntax for a publishing command:
<batch_script> [options] <ecad_data>
To publish schematics from CR-5000 System Designer, use these arguments:
pvecad2pvs.exe [-pvs][-bom][-p output folder] [-o basename]
<cir dir full path> <htb file path> <evf file path>
Follow the steps below to execute the publish command for designs from other tools.
1. In a command shell, navigate to the directory with the ECAD data to convert, and then press ENTER.
2. Type the batch file name, a space, and the name of the design to convert, and then press ENTER.
To convert two or more files at once, type each file name, separated by a space. You can also use wildcards.
The files are converted using the batch script, and they are placed in the output location you set.
Publishing EDM files from pvecad2pvs
In ECAD BOM reports generated from Mentor *.edx PCB Layout design files have PCB affixed to the end of the file name, and reports generated from Mentor *.edx Schematic files have SCH affixed to the end of the file name.
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