Customizing the Worker Agent
After you use the Worker Configuration Wizard to set up the Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL worker, you must customize the files manually by completing the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Windchill server is disconnected.
2. Navigate to the $WT_HOME/Windchill/conf/wvs/ folder.
3. Open agent.ini in a text editor.
4. Find the shapetype property, and then change it from ECAD to Concept.
5. Save and close agent.ini.
6. In a command shell, open the xconfmanager utility.
7. Add this property to the file:
For more information, see the topic Utilizzo dell'utilità xconfmanager in the Windchill Help Center.
8. To apply your changes, restart the Windchill server.
You have now customized agent.ini and The worker for Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL on Linux is fully configured. To start the worker, follow the instructions in the topic Testing the Worker Agent Configuration in the Windchill Help Center, and then begin publishing your files.
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