Converting Instances of Simplified Representations from Creo Parametric
To Convert Simplified Representations Using proebatch
In batch mode, source strings consisting of the path to the assembly, parts, and simplified representations, can define specific instances to convert.
The source string components must follow this format and order:
For example, to convert the instance, 2_liter, in the form of a cutaway within the engine assembly, type the following:
The :Part: tag must precede the :Form: tag.
:Form: activates specified simplified reps and publishes them.
To convert parts, use the following source string syntax:
To convert simplified reps, use the following source string syntax:
For example, to convert the cut_away simplified rep of engine.asm use:
In Creo View the attribute, Source_form_name, indicates the type of simplified rep that was published. When you convert an assembly using :Form:, it does not convert author states, as author states are converted only when the assembly is loaded as a master rep.
To Filter a Set of Simplified Representations Using Recipe Editor settings
When you publish an assembly in Master Representation, you can set recipe options to filter which simplified representations to convert or not to convert.
1. On the Parameters > Miscellaneous tab, under Simplified Rep select one of these options:
None—No simplified representations are published (alternatively clear Author States > Simplified Reps)
All (default)—All simplified representations are published.
Include or Exclude—Includes or excludes specified representations depending on what you type in the include or exclude list.
Use commas to separate items on the list.
Type complete names or use an asterisk (*) as wildcard character.
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