Using pvsprint_config with the Config Tool
To configure the Batch Print Engine using the configuration tool follow the steps below.
1. To install the Creo View Client Worker files required for the Batch Print Engine, browse to <installation_directory>\bin, and then double-click pvsprint_config. The Creo View Print Worker Configuration dialog box opens. To set a new configuration, skip to step 3.
2. To use an Existing Configuration, next to the Setup Directory box, click , and then browse to your configuration and click Open. The installation is configured.
3. Under Parameters, select the Client/Server Version of your adapter from the box.
4. Next to the Setup Directory box, perform one of the following actions:
Accept the default path.
Click , and then browse to or create a setup directory for the adapter and click OK.
Make sure the directory’s path does not contain spaces.
5. In the License Server box, enter the port number and server name for the license server where the Print Engine license can be accessed. Use the format <port>@<server>.
6. Under Components, select Create pvsprintworker .
Create pvsprintworker—Creates a startup script that is used by the Windchill Visualization Service to start the adapter in worker mode to publish results as part of the Windchill publishing process. To do this, the adapter needs the following details about the Windchilll server.
a. Server Host—Enter the host name of the Windchill server.
b. Server Port
c. Test Server
After you specify the server host, port, and alias name in the case of an alias worker, click Test Server to perform the following actions:
Validate the machine name, port number, worker availability, and alias name.
Verify that the test server can connect to the Worker Agent at that location.
A Server Configuration Test window displays the following results:
Worker Type
Test Connection to Server—Opens the Server Configuration Test dialog box. If the test result shows Succeeded or Failed, and the resulting message commences with Set keepalive ok, then click Ok to continue the setup.
7. Click Setup. The Setup Complete dialog box opens when the Batch Print Engine is configured.
8. Click OK. Your configuration of the Batch Print Engine is complete.
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