Using ccmodel2pv_config
Use theccmodel2pv_config tool to configure the Creo View Adapter for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling .
1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the <installation_directory>\bin directory in which you installed the Adapter for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. Double-click ccmodel2pv_config. The Creo Elements Direct Modeling Adapter Configuration dialog box opens.
2. To update an existing configuration of the Creo View Adapter for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling to the latest version, in the Existing Configuration > Setup Directory select ccmodel2pv_config at the previous configuration. The ccmodel2pv_config automatically fills in all the other required fields. Click Setup to update to the latest version.
To preserve the existing version and create a new configuration, change the Setup Directory location in the Parameter group box, as described next. This allows you to test a configuration before removing the previous working configuration
3. Use the Parameters group settings in the Creo Elements Direct Modeling Adapter Configuration dialog box to specify configuration settings for the adapter. This allows you to specify the way your system locates and starts Creo Elements/Direct Modeling for publishing purposes. The Parameters group includes these fields:
a. Client/Server Version
In the Client/Server Version drop-down list specify the client/server version number. This version should match your Creo View client server, Visualization server, or both. Setting the version incorrectly can cause problems with your Creo View client server, Visualization server, or both.
b. Follow these steps to specify a Setup Directory:
a. Click in the Setup Directory field. The Select a Setup Directory dialog box opens.
b. Browse to a <setup_directory> location, or type the path in the Directory field, and then click OK. You are returned to the Creo Elements Direct Modeling Adapter Configuration dialog box to make further configuration selections.
c. Select the correct CEDM version from the drop-down list.
4. The Components group settings in the Creo Elements Direct Modeling Adapter Configuration dialog box determine the publishing components to configure, and the way your system locates the Visualization server host and port. The Components group box includes these fields:
a. Create ccmodelbatch
Enable this setting to run Creo Elements/Direct Modeling in batch mode from the command line to convert batch of files to Creo View viewables.
b. Create ccmodelworker
Creates a startup script that is used by the Windchill Visualization Service to start the Adapter in worker mode to publish Creo View viewables as part of the Windchill publishing process. To do this, the Adapter needs the following details about the Windchill server.
c. Server Host
Enter the host name of the Windchill server.
d. Server Port
Enter the port to be used to communicate with the Worker Agent on the Windchill server. The default port number is 5600.
e. Test Server
After you specify the server host, port, and alias name in the case of an alias worker, click Test Server to perform the following actions:
Validate the machine name, port number, worker availability, and alias name.
Verify that the test server can connect to the Worker Agent at that location.
A Server Configuration Test window displays the following results:
Worker Type
Test Connection to Server—Opens the Server Configuration Test dialog box. If the test result shows Succeeded or Failed, and the resulting message commences with Set keepalive ok, then click Ok to continue the setup.
5. Click Setup. The configuration is generated.
6. When the Setup Complete prompt appears, click OK to continue.
7. After you set up the configuration, you can click Recipe Editor to edit the recipe file for this configuration.
Changes to the recipe file should only be performed by advanced users.
8. Click Exit. The Exit ccmodel2pv_config dialog box opens.
9. Click Yes to exit.
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