Validating the Interference Engine Configuration
To test the Interference Engine, perform a pvsclashworker query in Windchill. A valid worker configuration has the following files in the <setup_directory>:
pvsclashbatch_config.log—Log file created by the pvsclashbatch config utility.
adapter.pvi—Shows the configuration and settings for the worker. Double-click the file to open the configuration tool and examine its settings.
debug_options.txt—Contains extra command line options for running the adapter in verbose (debug) mode.
pvsclashbatch.bat—Command line publishing script.
pvsclashworker.bat—Server controlled publishing script.
purge.bat—Removes all log files generated by the worker from the setup directory.
You have now completed the installation and configuration of the Interference Engine. Proceed to the next section for an overview of the basic command line arguments and explanations and examples of pvsclashbatch command line implementation for input variables, comparing groups and creating reports.