Creo View MCAD Adapters Guide > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting Command Line Publishing
Troubleshooting Command Line Publishing
To troubleshoot a problem with a command line publishing script, you must first establish several things:
The adapter or worker has been installed and configured correctly.
The Creo View format files are not corrupt.
Taking these items sequentially:
1. Start a new command shell, change directory to the <setup_directory>, and type the following command:
pvsthumbbatch -vl batch_test.log -I
If the adapter runs successfully, the full version information of the adapter, listing approximately 15 library versions, will be logged to the file batch_test.log. Typical problems that can occur are:
User file permission problems can prevent the adapter from re-creating the log file.
Extreme lack of disk space can make it impossible to create a log file.
A corrupted installation can prevent the script from finding or having permission to execute necessary software components.
Generally, these problems are reported immediately, either in the shell or in the log file. To prevent these problems, you must ensure that following conditions are met:
There is sufficient disk space.
Appropriate permissions exist on all components and directories.
The adapter installation is not corrupt. Reinstall the adapter if necessary.
2. To ensure that the Creo View files are not corrupt, load the ed file into the Creo View client and review the geometry in the 3D viewer. If the file fails to load, it is likely to be corrupt. In this case, try importing a different file.
If you still have problems, contact Technical Support.
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