Creo View MCAD Adapters Guide > Introduction to the MCAD Adapters > General Prerequisites for the Conversion Process
General Prerequisites for the Conversion Process
Make sure your system meets the following prerequisites before installing an adapter:
Validate that your operating system meets the minimum requirements as shown in the Creo View Adapters Software Matrix.
Validate that your operating system is correctly configured and licensed.
Ensure that you have all the licenses required to operate your CAD tool. Refer to theAdapterPrerequisites topic of the respective adapter's chapter.
Allocate the licenses to the worker machine to ensure that it can always access a required license.
Install and configure your CAD tool and corresponding data applications.
Ensure that your operating system has adequate CPU and storage for the CAD data sets that are to be published.
Different CAD applications might require different licenses to view specific CAD data sets. You must have your CAD tool correctly configured and licensed before you configure the adapter. Any license required to create the data set is also required to publish it.
For UNIX users, validate that the platforms where you want to install your CAD tool are supported as shown in the Creo View Adapters Software Matrix.
For UNIX users, validate that the UNIX adapter configuration includes setting the DISPLAY environmental variable for a running and accessible Xdisplay, and for browsing to the correct load point, such as /opt/ptc/PTC/CreoElements/Pro5.0/bin.
Each adapter has additional, adapter-specific prerequisites. For more information, check the chapter for your CAD tool.
You cannot publish data that cannot be opened in the native CAD tool.
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