Creo View ECAD Adapters Guide > Overview > Basic Workflow for Installing and Configuring the Adapters
Basic Workflow for Installing and Configuring the Adapters
For Windows, you can configure some adapters using only the configuration dialog box. Other adapters require additional steps for configuration. For Linux, you must configure the adapters manually. Though the steps vary from adapter to adapter, this is the basic setup process:
1. Install the adapter from the Creo View Adapters software package.
2. For Windows, configure the setup directory and select one or more publishing methods in the configuration dialog box. For Linux, configure the setup directory and add publishing manually.
3. For adapters that require additional configuration on Windows, copy files, modify them, or both, depending on the ECAD tool.
4. Check the <setup_directory> to validate the configuration.
5. Publish the design files using one of the publishing methods.
Make sure to read the information in Prerequisites for the ECAD Adapters before you proceed to the installation instructions.
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