<position> Element
The <position> element is a child element of <light> for spot and point lights only. It specifies the XYZ coordinates for the location of the point or spot light source that is not infinitely far from the scene. If the <position> element is omitted, the point or spot light source is considered infinitely far away; i.e., rays of light from the source are considered parallel.
The <position> element is self-closing. It has no content or child elements.
<position> Syntax
<position x="xValue" y="yValue" z="zValue" />
<position> Attributes
x y z
(Float) Specifies the ±(X, Y, or Z) coordinate for the point or spot light source location.
<position> Example
This example shows a <position> element for the XYZ location (-150, 150, 600).
<position x="-150.00" y="150.00" z="600.00" />
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