<direction> Element
The <direction> element is a child element of <light> for direct and spot lights only. It determines the axis of the cone of light for the light source. The XYZ vector coordinates are taken relative to the origin at the vertex of the light cone.
(The <direction> element is self-closing. It has no content or child elements.)
<direction> Syntax
<direction x="xValue" y="yValue" z="zValue" />
<direction> Attributes
x y z
(Float) Specifies the ±(X, Y, or Z) coordinate for the direction vector along the axis of the direct or spot light.
<direction> Example
This example shows a <direction> element with the XYZ vector coordinates (-60, 60, -20).
<direction x="-60.00" y="60.00" z="-20.00"/>
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