Creo View MCAD Adapters Guide > Configuring the Creo View Thumbnail Generator > Advanced Thumbnail Generator Configuration > Configuring and Troubleshooting Server Controlled Thumbnail Generation
Configuring and Troubleshooting Server Controlled Thumbnail Generation
The default Thumbnail Generator configuration is server controlled. Use this configuration in the following way:
1. The server converts the source data to Creo View viewable files.
2. The server calls the Thumbnail Generator (pvsthumb) that is bundled with the installation of the Creo View Adapters.
3. The Thumbnail Generator generates the 3D and 2D thumbnail images.
4. The images are uploaded by the server and published on the representation object in Windchill.
Logging and Verbosity
To troubleshoot server controlled thumbnail generation and increase logging, generate verbose thumbnail generation messages. To generate verbose messages, set the PVIEW_PVSTHUMB environment variable in the server startup script. See the example below:
set PVIEW_PVSTHUMB=-vn pvsthumb -vt -vmdvcon ff -vm fffff -vp f
-vn pvsthumb— Creates a sequentially numbered pvsthumb_#.log in the start folder.
-vt— Includes date and time stamps in the log.
-vmdvcon ff -vm fffff -vp f— Sets verbosity at suggested optimal values. For more information contact PTC Technical Support.
You can also test server-controlled thumbnail generation by using the Creo View MCAD Adapter command line or interactive publishing modes. This means you are not using the Windchill server (Worker Agent) where this process is automated. To enable thumbnail generation in these modes in the Recipe Editor:
1. Click the Basic Tab.
2. Under Output Options, select Output Thumbnail.
Creating a Thumbnail Adapter Setup
You can create a thumbnail generation configuration to generate thumbnails from preconverted viewables:
1. Double-click pvsthumb_config.exe.
2. Clear Create pvsthumbworker.
3. Click Setup to create a setup folder for the thumbnail generation adapter in the same way you would for the other Creo View Adapters.
4. To implement the increased level of verbosity for the pvsthumbbatch command do one of the following:
a. Open the debug_options.txt file from the created pvsthumb_setup folder in a text editor and enter the optimal verbosity settings -vmdvcon ff -vm fffff -vp f
b. Enter them on the pvsthumbbatch command-line such as
pvsthumbworker -vn pvsthumb -vt -vmdvcon ff -vm fffff -vp f <ProductView_Structure_Filename>
Adjusting the Thumbnail Generator (pvsthumb) Configuration
To adjust the thumbnail generation configuration, modify the pvsthumb.rcp by following the steps below:
1. Do one of the following
Double-click the pvsthumb.rcp created in the Thumbnail Adapter setup.
Double-click therecpedit.exe in the Creo View Adapters bin subfolder. A dialog box opens. Select Thumbnail Generator.
2. In the Recipe Editor click Advanced > Miscellaneous or Parameters > Miscellaneous.
3. On the Miscellaneous tab, make modifications as needed.
4. Click Save or Save As, name the file and save it to the appropriate directory.
To use the new Thumbnail Generator recipe file for the server controlled thumbnail generation of another Creo View Adapter, use the Recipe Editor to modify the relevant recipe file.
1. Click Advanced > System to open the System tab.
Type the path in for the new recipe file in the Thumbnail Recipe box.
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