Selecting Interference Detection Types
When you select an interference detection type or a combination of types, consider the following information:
If you do not select any of the interference detection types, active= “false” and the query is not performed.
An interference query can be set to define the maximum allowable volume before an item is considered to be hard intersecting. The value would typically be set to 0 (zero) for solid parts, but it can be set to greater than 0 to simulate soft or rubber parts.
A contact query defines the tolerance value of how close two surfaces need to be to be considered “touching”. Outside of these limits, the parts are either intersecting or in clearance. Interference or clearance queries can then detect these items.
A clearance query can be configured to check all items within a minimum allowable clearance. Any item that reports a value inside (lower than) this value is considered to be in violation of the clearance test and is reported.
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