To Edit an Annotation
You can edit one annotation, or you can edit several annotations at once. Procedures for both operations follow.
To Edit a Single Annotation
1. Double-click the annotation. The Annotations dialog box opens.
2. Make changes. The annotations are dynamically updated.
3. Click OK. The dialog box closes.
To Edit Multiple Annotations of the Same or Different Types
1. Select multiple annotations of the same or different types. The annotations are selected.
2. Make changes to the annotations using the Annotations context tab. The annotations are dynamically updated.
The Annotations context ribbon displays all of the change options, but only the relevant options are active.
3. Right-click and select Edit Properties. The Annotations dialog box opens.
4. Make changes to the annotations. The annotations are dynamically updated.
The tabs and options inside the Annotations dialog box update automatically based on the options available for the selected annotations.
5. Click OK. The dialog box closes.