Comparing Boards
To compare boards, select one or more of the following objects to compare:
Checks all geometries associated with a physical board outline (shape), including thickness. This comparison stops after a single difference is found and reports the comparison result as a single board-object transaction.
All—Compares all areas that control placement and routing. Flexible areas of the board are included in the Regions category.
ECAD-MCAD—Compares only the areas applicable to ECAD-MCAD collaboration:
Keepin and keepout sublayers, including placements, routes, and vias
Flexible areas
Place regions
Cutouts are included as a part of the board outline layer and it’s color and visibility state, but are treated as separate entities. Cutouts can have unique IDs in the PC board and are loaded as part of an EDA file.
Mechanical Holes
Uses the object ID, shape, location, or all to compare mechanical holes. Mechanical holes can be circular, oblong, square, or rectangular slots. Click Exclude Pins and Vias to exclude pins and vias from the comparison of mechanical holes. Mechanical holes created in an MCAD tool may be represented in an ECAD tool as a component pin or via. A mechanical hole without a corresponding hole in the other design is by default compared to the pin and via definitions in the other design. When you compare a mechanical hole with a pin or a via, only the drill diameter and plating status are compared.
Checks of regions and mechanical holes can be used with Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 and later. If you run these checks with earlier releases, results may be inaccurate.
Compares bends that have object IDs. You can use Creo View ECAD Validate to visualize the change.
When you select Bends in an ECAD comparison, the transaction results are grouped together with Board in Creo View ECAD Validate. To ungroup the results, right-click on the group and select Ungroup.
Compares the descriptive information about ECAD board objects.