Server Controlled Publishing for SolidWorks
When the Visualization server initiates a client request to convert SolidWorks data to the Creo View format, the server uses the swworker to convert the CAD data in a background session of SolidWorks. This Visualization server could be a Windchill server or another customized server environment.
The SolidWorks worker is an important link in achieving the full functionality of the Visualization server. For more information, refer to Visualization Server Definition.
SolidWorks 2021 fails to start when the PTC Worker Daemon runs as a service. To solve this issue, the configuration of sw2pv_config.exe creates the script file swrunInteractive.bat in the setup folder. Open the script file swrunInteractive.bat and check if SolidWorks runs in GUI mode. In addition, you need to respond to the dialog boxes that open in SolidWorks. Once you are done, you can continue using SolidWorks 2021 adapter in worker publishing.