What’s New in Creo View MCAD > Creo View > Select and Search for Visible Items Only
Select and Search for Visible Items Only
You have more control when selecting all items and when searching for items.
User Interface Location:
To ignore items when performing Select All (CTRL+A), click File > Options > Model, and then select the Ignore hidden items when performing a ‘Select All’ in the graphics area of 3D content check box.
To search against visible items only, click Home > Find > Search to open Search Product Structure. In the Search Against select Visible items.
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
Improvements For Working With Visible Objects Only
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You might find it easier to work with data when only objects that are visible appear in search results and selection actions. This is especially helpful when working with annotation sets that show a portion of the overall structure.
For more information, see To Set the MCAD Selection Mode.