What’s New in Creo View MCAD > Creo View > HoloLens Is Supported for Viewing Models in Augmented Reality (AR)
HoloLens Is Supported for Viewing Models in Augmented Reality (AR)
You can view models published from Creo View for viewing in AR, on the Microsoft HoloLens headset.
User Interface Location: In the Tools tab, click Augmented Reality. In the Augmented Reality tab, click Manage Model.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
In Creo View you can also view using the HoloLens headset. This gives you a more immersive way to experience models at full scale and in 3D augmented reality. Models that are too large may render poorly, or not at all on the HoloLens. Consider publishing with low quality or publishing a simplified representation that removes internal or unnecessary components.