Overview > System Prerequisites
System Prerequisites
This section describes the prerequisites for hardware, operating systems, graphics cards, and software.
Hardware and Operating System Requirements
Because you can view files with widely varying size and complexity, the hardware requirements partly depend on the type and size of files. Hardware drivers not updated by the manufacturer in the last four years may not meet the needs of Creo View (see CS254885 for more information).
The minimum requirements are sufficient for small-sized or average-sized files. For optimum performance, meet these recommended specifications:
Minimum Requirement
Recommended Specification
Random access memory (RAM)
2 GB
3 GB to 8 GB
Central processing unit (CPU) or Core
Single-core, 1-GHz x86
Intel compatible
Dual-core or greater, 2-GHz x86
Intel compatible
Disk space
1.2 GB for a 64-bit platform
2 GB for the installation
Additional disk space for data
Operating system
Windows 10
Redhat Linux 6.2 amd64
Windows 10 64-bit
Redhat Linux 7.x amd64
The Platform Support page contains information on requirements for hardware, graphics drivers, and operating systems for PTC products, including Creo View.
Graphics Requirements
You must have OpenGL library version 1.1 or later installed on your machine. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics hardware. You can download the latest drivers from the manufacturer’s website. The graphics requirements depend on the size and complexity of your data sets. If you plan to view and manipulate large or complex CAD files, check PTC’s list of supported hardware for a list of appropriate graphics cards at Platform Support.
Applying special configurations to your graphics card is not recommended.
Platform-specific Requirements
Creo View supports Windows and Linux x64. For Windows, you must have administrative privileges to install Creo View. These are the prerequisites for all Redhat Linux releases:
OpenMotif runtime libraries (“openmotif” package) must be installed on the system using your operating system’s package manager. For example, yum.
You must have the latest proprietary graphics drivers from your graphics card vendor. Your operating system’s graphics drivers are not sufficient.
For Redhat Linux 6.0 and later, you must also meet these prerequisites:
75–dpi and 100–dpi fonts (“xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi” package and “xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi” package")
2.96-Redhat compatibility standard C++ libraries (“compat-libstdc++-296” package, “libstdc++” package, and “libstdc++.i686” package)
Software Requirements and Helper Applications
For Windows installations, all of the software requirements are automatically met when you install from one of these locations:
Product DVD
WindchillSoftware Downloads page
CreoView_64.exe executable file
If you install the application as an administrator directly from the MSI file, the software prerequisites are not automatically met. See Deploying Creo View and Customizing the Installation for more information.
Microsoft C++ Runtimes are required for installing and running Creo View. The required C++ runtimes are shipped with Creo View and installed automatically if needed. If you already have C++ Runtime, the installation is not modified.
Other helper applications are shipped and automatically installed with Creo View:
Creo View Files Tools—Used for transforming or optimizing Creo View data.
Creo View ECAD Adapters—Required for natively viewing the supported ECAD file formats. Creo View ECAD Adapters is installed automatically only with the DVD installer. See Installers for Creo View for more information.
pview_batch.exe tool—Useful for scripting or troubleshooting.
Browser Support Requirements
You may have to set special options for your Web browser.
Browser Support for Creo View MCAD and ECAD
The Version Checker plug-in does not work with the Chrome and Firefox browser.
Before using Creo View with the Chrome browser, you must install Creo View from one of two places:
On the Software Downloads page, accessible through the Windchill client at Quick Links > Software Downloads > Setup and Installation: Creo View Installation. See Performing an Installation from the Web for more information.
From the DVD or from the downloaded DVD image (use the installer script setup.vbs). For more information, see Performing an Installation from the DVD.
Adobe Version Verification
If you attempt to open a PDF document, but it does not open, perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that a supported version of Adobe Acrobat or Reader is installed. If both Adobe Acrobat and Reader are installed, ensure that both are supported versions. Look for the latest “Creo View Clients and Toolkit Software Matrices” at Reference Documents for detailed version information.
2. If a supported version of Adobe Acrobat or Reader is already installed, check that the Windows Registry software InstallPath values for Adobe Acrobat or Reader, located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key, point to valid installation directories.
3. If the Windows Registry is correct, uninstall and reinstall Adobe Acrobat or Reader (or both, if both are installed), and then uninstall and reinstall Creo View.
For more details, refer to Technical Support article CS235004.