Customizing the Ribbon
Customizing the Ribbon
This chapter provides instructions to configure and customize the Creo View ribbon commands.
Overview of Ribbon Customizing
This section contains an overview of customizing the availability of Creo View ribbon commands.
Configure which Creo View user interface commands are available and save them in the Creo UI Toolkit *.ui files.
Setting Preferences
The customized user interface definitions are saved in proprietary Creo UI Toolkit files (*.ui) created in the %APPDATA%\PTC\ProductView folder. There are two customization files: an optional administrator file and the user file. The administrator file is loaded first. It defines the baseline for user customization.
Set the user preferences using the Customize Ribbon page. Access the dialog box from the Creo View Options in the Creo View client. For more information, see About Customizing the Ribbon in the Creo View Help.
Customizing and Saving the Ribbon Locally
1. In Windchill, click Product > Utilities > Visualization Configuration Administration and upload the uiconfig.xml file and the referenced image files. (These can have PNG, BMP, JPG, or JPEG format extensions.)
2. Open a file in Creo View.
3. Use the Customize Ribbon page of the Creo View Options dialog box to make changes to the ribbon.
4. Click Apply, and then click OK to add the newly created menu.
5. The new menu appears in the ribbon menu and the customized commands appear in that menu.
6. Exit Creo View and navigate to the %APPDATA%\PTC\ProductView folder. Note that the following files are present in that directory:
7. Rename the above two files as follows:
8. Edit server_prefs.xml and add the following preference:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<category name="GUI">
<category name="Customize">
<preference name="Location" value="server"/>
9. Save and exit the editor.
10. Zip these files:
The referenced image files
You have now customized the ribbon menu. To implement your preferences, continue to Uploading the Customized Files to Windchill.
Uploading the Customized Files to Windchill
By following the steps in the previous section, you have created a customized ribbon file. Follow the next steps to upload the preferences to your Windchill server.
1. In Windchill, navigate to the Product > Utilities > Visualization Configuration Administration page.
2. Click Create configuration, and then upload the zip files you created.
If there are previously uploaded uiconfig.xml and referenced image files, delete them before uploading.
3. Clear the Creo View cache (%APPDATA%\PTC\ProductView).
4. Open a structure in Creo View from Windchill to validate that the customized menu appears in the ribbon menu.
5. Click Close. Your preferences are uploaded. For more information on uploading preferences, see the Windchill Help.
You have now implemented your server preferences on Windchill. The customized menu should appear in the ribbon menu for all Windchill users who are accessing the object from within the configured context.
Customized Ribbon Preferences
This section contains the GUI/Customize/ preferences you can set for Creo View. Add the preferences manually to the XML file. The preference name defines the hierarchy for XML preference category elements.
This preference defines the source of the admin ribbon customization file.
admin—The source is the same directory as the admin preferences XML file.
server—The source is the same Windchill location as the server preferences XML file.
shared—The source is the same location as shared cache preferences XML file.
This preference controls whether the user can customize his ribbon. It does not stop any existing customization from being applied, but prevents changing the customization.
The Quick Access Toolbar is not disabled together with the Customize Ribbon option.
The value can be true or false. If false, customization of the ribbon is disabled.
This preference controls visibility of the Quick Access Toolbar buttons that have been removed from the ribbon. You can set this value to prevent buttons that are not available in the ribbon due to customization from appearing in the Quick Access Toolbar options page.
The value can be true or false. If true, buttons removed from the ribbon do not appear in Quick Access Toolbar options page.