Starting Creo View and Modifying an Installation
Starting Creo View and Modifying an Installation
This chapter explains how to start Creo View and configure the startup. Proceed to the end of the chapter for the procedure to uninstall Creo View.
Starting Creo View
After your license management and product software have been installed, start Creo View. You can run the application using the Start menu. Click Programs > PTC Creo > PTC Creo View <release_number>. The first time you start the software, the PTC Creo View Startup dialog box opens. Instructions follow for setting the edition and license options. To set a language for the Creo View user interface, see Setting the Language below.
Setting the Edition and License Options
Use the Creo View Startup dialog box to set the options for starting Creo View as follows:
1. To make the startup options the default, clear the Choose edition at startup check box.
2. Next to Choose Creo View Edition, select the edition to start:
Creo View Lite
Creo View MCAD
Creo View ECAD
Creo View MCAD and ECAD
Creo View Standard
3. For each license option that you purchased, select a loading option:
Load at startup
Load when required
Never (optional modules only)
4. To update your license, under License Information in the License Server box, type the name of the server or the path to the node-locked license file.
5. Click Apply. Click OK. Creo View starts.
Setting the Language
By default, the language of the Creo View user interface is determined according to your operating system’s settings. To set a different language for Creo View from the operating system language, use the environment variables described below.
The generic environment variable, LANG, sets one language for all programs on your machine. You can use PTC-specific variables to designate another language for one or more programs:
PRO_LANG—Creo Parametric and its associated applications. When you set this variable, you must also set PVIEW_LANG. This is true even if you want the same value for PRO_LANG and PVIEW_LANG.
Modifying an Installation
If you installed Creo View from the DVD, all languages and features are already installed. If you installed the software from the downloaded CreoView_64.exe installer, it is good practice to use the installer to modify your installation as follows:
1. Start the installer. The Creo View 6.1 Setup dialog box opens to the welcome page.
2. Click Next. The Change, repair, or remove installation page opens.
3. Click Change. The Product Features page opens.
4. Add or remove features. See Performing an Advanced Installation for more information.
5. Click Change. The installation is changed.
Uninstalling Creo View
You can remove an installation of Creo View through the Control Panel as follows:
1. From the Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel.
2. Double-click an icon according to your version of Windows:
Programs and Features—Windows 10 or later
Add/Remove Programs—Earlier versions
3. In the program application list, select the application to remove.
4. Right-click and choose Uninstall from the shortcut menu. A confirmation appears.
5. Click Yes to proceed. Creo View is removed.
You must separately remove the helper applications using the previous procedure.