Searching the Structure or Design > MCAD Searches > To Search an MCAD Structure Using Spatial Criteria
To Search an MCAD Structure Using Spatial Criteria
1. Open an MCAD structure.
2. Click Home > Search. The Search Product Structure dialog box opens.
3. In the Query Name box, type or select a name for the search.
4. To determine the scope of the search, select a Search Against option from the list:
All items—Search all items.
Visible items—Search only from visible items.
Selected items—Search only from items you selected.
Selected items and their children—Search only from items you selected and their children.
5. Next to Do query of type, click Spatial. The dialog box updates.
6. Next to Items included, select the items to include in the results:
Contained—Includes items that are fully contained by the bounding box, box or sphere.
Contained and Crossing—Includes items that are fully and partially contained by the bounding box, box or sphere.
7. Under Search mode, select how to test the geometries:
Quick—Includes all geometries that are contained by the bounding box for the part.
Accurate—Includes all geometries that are within the part.
8. Set the center of the spatial query by selecting a Local to option. The dialog box updates.
9. Continue as follows:
1. Type the X, Y, and Z global coordinate values of the center of the sphere, or drag the sphere into position.
2. Type a Radius value.
3. Click the pin icon to the right of the coordinate values to lock the specified values. Click again to unlock the values.
4. Check Preview to see the coordinate and radius positions.
5. Drag the sphere’s surface to resize it.
6. Drag the green, red, or blue arrows to change the sphere’s position.
Box—Enter the Minimum and MaximumX, Y, and Z coordinate values to find the parts that fall within the bounding box.
Check Preview to see the coordinate and radius positions.
Part Bounding Box—Bounding box of a part or assembly.
1. Select a Part from the Structure Tree or the graphics area.
2. Click the pin icon to the right of the part name to lock the specified value. Click again to unlock the value.
3. Enter the Proximity value to expand or shrink the bounding box in all directions. For example, a proximity value of 9 would expand the bounding box 9 units to the left, 9 units to the right, 9 to the top, and so on.
10. To add more rules to the query, see To Create a Multiline Search Query .
11. Click OK. The search results appear in the Results tab in the Navigator.