To Cut, Copy and Paste Nodes
Nodes Selected
Paste Options
Cut |
One or more nodes
One or more locations, a single time.
Copy |
One or more nodes
One or more locations, multiple times.
To Cut and Paste Nodes
You can select more than one part to move at once, but you can only set one position for all of the selected parts. The steps below describe the workflow using the shortcut menu , but you can also access the commands from the ribbon.
1. Click > . The Structure Edit tab opens.
2. Select one or more parts to relocate, and then click
Advanced Editing. A message to warn you that you can lose unsaved changes appears. Select
Save or
Discard to proceed.
3. In the Structure Tree, right-click and choose Cut from the shortcut menu.
4. To insert the parts, select one or more nodes, right-click and choose Paste. The cut parts are pasted to the new location. Cut parts can be pasted to multiple nodes on the structure tree.
5. Click Close Edit. The Structure Edit tab closes.
To Copy and Paste Nodes
You can select more than one part to copy and paste. The steps below describe the workflow using the shortcut menu, but you can also access the commands from the ribbon.
1. Click > . The Structure Edit tab opens.
2. Select one or more parts to copy, and then click
Advanced Editing. A message to warn you that you can lose unsaved changes appears. Select
Save or
Discard to proceed.
3. In the Structure Tree, right-click and choose Copy.
4. To insert the parts, select one or more nodes, right-click and choose Paste. The copied parts are pasted onto the selected node or nodes. You can paste copied parts multiple times in different locations throughout the Structure Tree.
5. Click Close Edit. The Structure Edit tab closes.