Editing wvs.properties for Document Support
This procedure explains how configure Windchill Documents to publish on check-in, and how to add the required worker properties to thewvs.properties file that map supported document format extensions to the OFFICE worker, enabling publishing of respective Windchill Document content.
• worker..DOC=OFFICE
• worker..DOCX=OFFICE
• worker..XLS=OFFICE
• worker..XLSX=OFFICE
• worker..PPT=OFFICE
• worker..PPTX=OFFICE
For Microsoft Visio
• worker..VSD=OFFICE
For Microsoft Project
• worker..MPP=OFFICE
For other supported file formats
• worker..EPS=OFFICE
• worker..PDF=OFFICE
• worker..PS=OFFICE
• worker..RTF=OFFICE
• worker..TXT=OFFICE
Follow these steps to add the properties:
1. Use the xconfmanager to add the properties to the wvs.properties file. From a Windchill shell, execute the following command:
◦ xconfmanager
-s worker..DOC=OFFICE -s worker..DOCX=OFFICE
-s worker..XLS=OFFICE -s worker..XLSX=OFFICE
-s worker..PPT=OFFICE -s worker..PPTX=OFFICE
-s worker..EPS=OFFICE -s worker..PS=OFFICE
-s worker..VSD=OFFICE -s worker..MPP=OFFICE
-s worker..RTF=OFFICE -s worker..TXT=OFFICE
-s worker..PDF=OFFICE
-t <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/conf/wvs.properties -p
where <Windchill> is the location where Windchill is installed.
2. To enable checkin publishing, use the xconfmanager to set the publish.service.documents.checkin.enabled property to true. From the Windchill shell, execute the following command:
◦ From Windchill 10.2 or later:
xconfmanager -s publish.service.documents.checkin.enabled=true
-t <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/conf/wvs.properties -p
where <Windchill> is the location where Windchill is installed.
◦ For earlier Windchill releases:
xconfmanager -s publish.service.documents.checkin.enabled=true
-t <Windchill>/codebase/wvs.properties -p
where <Windchill> is the location where Windchill is installed.